Catherine has organized or appeared at everything from a Hawaiian luau to a Fiesta. She works at creating an atmosphere in which participants can let go of any inhibitions.
Your boardroom can be transformed into a jungle, or a rain forest. Your survival expedition can even include a wall climb. Do you want a space theme? Let’s Do Launch! Catherine has her flight suit ready to go. Get your organization to let go of “gravity”. BYOT (Bring Your Own Tang).
She has appeared as a Full Mountie, a horse (seen here with her partner-in-crime Rear Admiral Perry; horsing around), a clown, a banana, and a safari leader (complete with Survival Kit). Give her a microphone and she’s off!
Top Right: An elegant table of Hawaiin-style dishes is a necessary component of any outdoor banquet.
Center Right: It never rains on a Luau, of course…but just in case this elegant marquee was a feature of the affair.
Bottom Right: No Hawaiian Luau is ever complete without roast pork, and this one was big enough to feed 200 guests.
Were’s the beef? It’s right here in the hands of the hands that barbequed it. Hoedown fare is mouth-watering but fundamental.
Who shot the sheriff? No one. He joined the party and didn’t have to arrest a soul!
Three sprightly cowgirls, and a cowboy. No need to ask if they’re having a good time!
Hay, hay, hay, the gang’s all right here. Time for chow.
This Arabian Nights Fantasy came complete with Alice the camel and driver for the Sheik and his princess.
This Mistress of Ceremonies isn’t Scheherazade, but she tells a great story!
The Pasha and his attendants. Yes, they really are feeding him grapes.
No, it’s not the patio at Glen Abbey. It’s inside the gym at Variety Village set up with a huge backdrop to make it seem like a golf course. The event attracted more than 80 sponsors, and earned more than $40,000 for the athletic programs at the Village.
Invitations took the form of a golf ball.
The Village-on-the-Putting green. Need we say more?
Program stepped golfers through a unique 7-hole course.
Survival theme for a corporate retreat
Dinner table set with camouflage linen to emphasize theme.
Laughing giraffe welcomes guests.
Part of their program involved a climbing school which set up a tower on hotel grounds. Climbers were blindfolded and partnered with others who were not. The purpose was to emphasize trust and communication among team members.
1: Catherine’s day at the Firehall included a trip on the hundred-foot-high aerial ladder, with a turn at the controls to see what it’s like fighting fires from on high.
2: Catherine with Deputy Chief John McDougall, left, and Acting Captain David Dempster.
3: When she got to the Firehall, the first thing Catherine saw was a red barber chair. Many of the men had shaved their heads to lend moral support to a colleague with cancer, and to raise money to help fight the disease. There is tremendous rapport among firefighters who depend on each other’s expertise in the dangerous fire environment.
4: Catherine in full fire-fighting gear with members of the crew of Station 6.
5: She eventually mastered the art of sliding down the fire pole. Actually, these are becoming obsolete. Most modern fire halls are built on one floor for speed and crew efficiency.
6: “What’s she talking about up there? It is easy. And you humans think you’re so evolved!”
Left, top to bottom: Da party’s about to begin.
No question: the gang’s all here.
The cops are not amused …
but they can be persuaded by a couple of good-looking molls.
Top right: The molls arrive in their brand new Ford roadster
Below right: What are nice girls like you doing in a place like this?
Bottom: Da mob in all its glory. No one went hungry or thirsty here.