Laughter is Good Business - Testimonials

Laughter is Good Business

Review of the 2005 Henry Steinberg Memorial Lecture of the Lord Reading
Law Society, Montreal, Quebec, click here

Jennifer Tory, Regional President, Royal Bank of Canada wrote:
Catherine it was an absolute pleasure to work with you on our recent Leadership conference. You are very talented, energetic and need I say funny! We enjoyed having you as part of our... team and you really did feel like part of our team. We have received positive feedback on both your Survival of the Funniest Keynote speech over dinner as well as your participation in the business segment of our conference. You added a great deal of value and inspiration. Thank you for helping to make our conference a success. March, 2006

Ruth Epstein, LL.B. a senior director at Thomson Carswell wrote:
The evaluations from our Carswell seminar are now in, and the response is excellent.…Your [program] combined unstructured fun with focused learning.…I would not hesitate to recommend your approach to any company seeking to encourage employees to think outside the box, or to take a new approach to the difficult competitive problems we face in business. Taking your work seriously and yourself lightly is a recipe for success.

Additional comments from Carswell's Strategic Management Group
"Catherine Lawrence lightened the mood and opened our minds."
"Brainstorming sessions were the most productive I've ever participated in."
"The laughter session…was interactive and creative."

Your personal experience shone through in your presentation "The Law of Laughter" to the Year End Meeting of the Civil Litigation and Insurance Sections of the Ontario Bar Association. Thank you for reinforcing the idea that humour and the law are not a contradiction in terms.
Robert A.L. Shour for
The Ontario Bar Association

Thank you very much for appearing at our company.…Your comedy was delightful. I still chuckle at some of your lines.…I will be recommending you to any of my business associates who want to arrange a show with pizzazz.
John P. Rousseau for
McKellar Group

On behalf of the Canadian Bar Law for the Future Fund, we extend our sincerest thanks to you for performing at our fund raiser…Your humour and talents set the perfect tone for the evening.…and helped us to finance some innovative and timely research projects.
Laurence A. Patillo, Thomas G. Heintzman, Q.C., and Garth Manning, Q.C.
for Canadian Bar Association - Ontario

Your comedy routine at the Wellness [Seminar] was the perfect way to complete the week [of workshops].
Marsha Hempel for
Tory Tory DesLauriers & Binnington